Manufacturer of Industrial Solar Power Plant, Off Grid Solar Power Plant, Commercial Solar Power Plant, etc..

Solar power plants are modern, highly reliable and long serving products along with other well known advantages, however, it is a costly product to start with. Since price of solar panels are dependent on many domestic and  international factors in market its high price can  be addressed by increasing efficiency of our  power plants only. Solar trackers are one solution which increase the energy generated by a power plant by an average of 35-40% in morning and evening period of operation. Shashiarun Solar Trackers is one product that gives your power plant:

  • A Long Life
  • Gear free, Very low power mechanism, hence maintenance is as low as Rs. 50/Solar Module/Year
  • Rugged structure to tolerate high wind speeds on even roof tops

Trackers are a must for:

  • Roof-top On grid systems (you need less number of solar modules to generate energy equivalent to  that generated by fixed structures).
  • Off-grid systems (Extra energy generated by SA solar trackers  compensate for losses created by batteries and transformers, which can be as high as 40%).

Our Goal

Our aim is to lead the renewable energy sector, providing the most advanced and reliable solar solutions that facilitate sustainability and efficiency in energy generation. We aim to provide people, businesses, and communities with the full advantage of solar energy by developing state-of-the-art Solar Power Plants and Solar Tracking Systems. Innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction drive our mission of making renewable energy accessible, affordable, and efficient.

Why Us?

  • Maximize energy efficiency and best performance from Solar Power Plants and Solar Tracking Systems.
  • Dexterous engineers and industry professionals come with years of experience designing high-quality renewable energy solutions.
  • We are committed to creating a cleaner future by sustainable energy solution, lower carbon footprints, and reducing environmental effects.

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